
doodle appreciation


I drew this in literature class today and I felt like sharing

More to come to this post but i am not in the headspace for it right now. Take these for now

Ok I'm right now. Here are more doodles from my schoolwork <3

It's always the tests I do bad on that have the dumbest doodles. I wonder if there is some correlation there. Instead of drawing this bug I should have been looking over my Greek paper.

Should I get into painting? What if I painted this doodle?

I love drawing snakes I realized. I like to label them as snakes as well. I like how the middle snake says Snake Is Observed. The top snake probably ate a cardboard box and that's why it's shaped like that. The bottom snake looks like it's part of a political campaign.

Would it be robotics club without a robot? This summer I plan to build a robot. For now I will just draw them on my math homework.

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